
Los Santos Taxi
Date Leader Player Action Reason
28.04.2013 16:16 N/A GabrieL18._ Received FactionWarn None
28.04.2013 16:15 N/A Evolution Received FactionWarn None
28.04.2013 16:14 N/A R0ONEY Received FactionWarn None
28.04.2013 16:12 N/A Gang3Xplore Was kicked out (with FP) None
28.04.2013 16:12 N/A Gang3Xplore Received FactionWarn None
28.04.2013 10:25 N/A RankEEZ Left the faction None
27.04.2013 21:57 N/A .Yly. Joined the faction None
27.04.2013 19:05 N/A ukizalanje Got rank 2 None
27.04.2013 16:43 N/A busted_ Joined the faction None
27.04.2013 13:40 N/A Knuth.Jr Got rank 2 None
27.04.2013 13:03 N/A .Anca. Joined the faction None
27.04.2013 12:40 N/A RankEEZ Joined the faction None
27.04.2013 11:23 N/A zelenbic_bug Left the faction None
26.04.2013 20:27 N/A rpg2_Renegade Joined the faction None
25.04.2013 23:11 N/A toma_mihai Was kicked out (with FP) None