
Los Santos Taxi
Date Leader Player Action Reason
03.05.2013 12:10 N/A Mounir Joined the faction None
03.05.2013 11:01 N/A R0ONEY Left the faction None
03.05.2013 10:52 N/A Visarion Joined the faction None
01.05.2013 20:53 N/A rpg2_Yumber Was kicked out (with FP) None
30.04.2013 20:53 N/A Serghei Joined the faction None
30.04.2013 19:39 N/A Michael_Jakab Got rank 2 None
30.04.2013 19:36 N/A PopandauL Joined the faction None
30.04.2013 13:31 N/A Tyson Joined the faction None
29.04.2013 13:20 N/A Evolution Got rank 2 None
29.04.2013 12:47 N/A AtomicM Received FactionWarn None
28.04.2013 21:09 N/A rpg2_Lincoln.Burrows Joined the faction None
28.04.2013 16:42 N/A rpg2_SHOEI Joined the faction None
28.04.2013 16:20 N/A Spaniard Was kicked out (with FP) None
28.04.2013 16:20 N/A Spaniard Received FactionWarn None
28.04.2013 16:19 N/A Mendigo Received FactionWarn None