
Los Santos Taxi
Date Leader Player Action Reason
16.06.2013 16:34 N/A rpg2_Livium Joined the faction None
16.06.2013 09:56 N/A Rhadamast Received FactionWarn None
15.06.2013 20:11 N/A naitsirhC Received FactionWarn None
15.06.2013 17:56 N/A joeyjom231 Received a FW clear None
15.06.2013 14:12 N/A fabicod Received FactionWarn None
15.06.2013 14:11 N/A ShaRRy Received FactionWarn None
14.06.2013 17:03 N/A Neblea Joined the faction None
14.06.2013 17:02 N/A WEV4.Vicious Joined the faction None
13.06.2013 20:57 N/A ShaRRy Joined the faction None
13.06.2013 18:58 N/A Rashdano Was kicked out (with FP) None
13.06.2013 18:23 N/A esy Received FactionWarn None
13.06.2013 15:17 N/A Juan Joined the faction None
13.06.2013 12:38 N/A Maryca91 Joined the faction None
13.06.2013 11:14 N/A galaxxy Left the faction None
12.06.2013 21:58 N/A Mounir Received FactionWarn None