
Hitmen Agency
Date Leader Player Action Reason
03.04.2023 19:47 [AIM]Ciprian.Cipri Joined the faction None
03.04.2023 19:47 Roxana Joined the faction None
03.04.2023 19:40 diviNE Joined the faction None
03.04.2023 19:40 Vladut27 Joined the faction None
03.04.2023 19:39 19DaNi Joined the faction None
03.04.2023 19:39 PachaMan. Joined the faction None
03.04.2023 19:15 DropZZ Received FactionWarn Neparticipare TSO.
03.04.2023 16:47 Shaw Was kicked out (3 warns) Absenta activitate.
03.04.2023 00:01 N/A rpg2_DonFloW Got rank 4 incomplete Activity Report
03.04.2023 00:01 N/A Shaw Got rank 2 incomplete Activity Report
02.04.2023 23:05 N/A Cassian Received FactionWarn Contract under 150 meters
02.04.2023 22:00 MariusKGB Got rank 5 Felicitari, MariusKGB!
02.04.2023 18:12 Prada Got rank 2 Felicitari, Prada!
02.04.2023 18:12 [AIM]JohanN. Got rank 2 Felicitari, ArminN!
02.04.2023 18:11 SoLLOwN Got rank 2 Felicitari, SoLLOwN!