
Green Street Bloods
Date Leader Player Action Reason
05.11.2022 19:48 21Smile Was kicked out (3 warns) Absent 2/2 wars 04.11.2022
05.11.2022 18:54 Whizzy Was kicked out (with FP) Reclamatie website.
05.11.2022 00:05 GabiFanEVOQUE Was kicked out (with FP) Multiple conturi in mafie
04.11.2022 21:10 Mircea1.4TFSI Received FactionWarn Evidenta war 04.11.2022
04.11.2022 15:12 [Mr].ALex Got rank 5 Felicitari, om de baza!
04.11.2022 08:43 tian99 Was kicked out (with FP) Banat Cheats (Aimbot)
04.11.2022 00:01 Whizzy Received FactionWarn Reclamatie website.
04.11.2022 00:00 Whizzy Received FactionWarn Reclamatie website.
03.11.2022 22:13 rpg2_SamuS Left the faction Demisie / Resignation
03.11.2022 22:13 rpg2_SamuS Received FactionWarn Evidenta wars 03/11/2022.
03.11.2022 22:10 Mircea1.4TFSI Received FactionWarn Evidenta wars 03/11/2022.
03.11.2022 18:28 rpg2_adr1DERBOSS Left the faction Demisie / Resignation
03.11.2022 17:42 rpg2_adr1DERBOSS Got rank 2 Felicitari!
03.11.2022 10:10 21Smile Received FactionWarn Absent 2/2 wars 02.11.2022
03.11.2022 10:09 Nackt Received FactionWarn Absent 2/2 wars 02.11.2022