
Green Street Bloods
Date Leader Player Action Reason
08.11.2022 13:53 LowRider.CAPYBARA Joined the faction None
08.11.2022 00:07 rpg2_TianGENERALU Was kicked out (with FP) Demisie / Resignation
07.11.2022 22:08 rpg2_.Asap Got rank 3 Felicitari!
07.11.2022 21:23 Dicky Joined the faction None
07.11.2022 18:59 Dionysius Joined the faction None
07.11.2022 18:40 Smiley. Got rank 6 Noul sublider! Felicitari!
07.11.2022 18:40 Smiley. Joined the faction None
07.11.2022 17:25 Ramona Joined the faction None
06.11.2022 21:15 Mircea1.4TFSI Left the faction Demisie / Resignation
06.11.2022 20:43 N/A rpg2_sebizensatie Was kicked out (with FP) Inactive and Banned
06.11.2022 16:54 rpg2_TianGENERALU Joined the faction None
06.11.2022 15:09 RedoX520d Got rank 6 Noul ajutor!
05.11.2022 20:27 rpg2_sebizensatie Received FactionWarn Reclamatie website.
05.11.2022 19:50 AgentKripton Left the faction Demisie / Resignation
05.11.2022 19:48 AgentKripton Received FactionWarn Absent 2/2 wars 04.11.2022