
Green Street Bloods
Date Leader Player Action Reason
17.11.2022 11:52 BrainiacRETRAS Failed the test None
17.11.2022 10:58 Example Got rank 2 Felicitari, Example!
17.11.2022 10:58 ClauINVINCIBLE Got rank 2 Felicitari, Filip!
16.11.2022 22:08 Nackt Received FactionWarn Acumulare x2 AV.
16.11.2022 16:33 Tian Joined the faction None
16.11.2022 16:12 Adela Joined the faction None
15.11.2022 16:12 [Mr].ALex Got rank 6 Felicitari, bine ai revenit!
15.11.2022 10:51 Ramona Received FactionWarn Acumulare x2 AV.
15.11.2022 10:41 [420]RobertSND Was kicked out (3 warns) Absent 4/4 wars 14.11.2022
14.11.2022 20:23 WoZZie Received FactionWarn [/sleep] in timpul warului.
14.11.2022 16:39 Alxdr Joined the faction None
13.11.2022 16:27 Denis_Survivalist Failed the test None
12.11.2022 18:32 DerekDEADHAZE Got rank 2 Felicitari!
12.11.2022 17:28 rpg2_[1947]W1LL Got rank 4 Felicitari!
11.11.2022 23:02 Trax Left the faction Promoted to leader!