
Green Street Bloods
Date Leader Player Action Reason
11.12.2022 14:53 rpg2_ScorpioNNN. Received FactionWarn Evidenta war 09.12.2022
10.12.2022 11:36 ClauINVINCIBLE Got rank 3 Felicitari, Filip!
10.12.2022 11:32 WoZZie Got rank 3 Felicitari, Sile!
09.12.2022 12:48 Smile Was kicked out (3 warns) Evidenta war 08.12.2022
09.12.2022 12:47 Adela Received FactionWarn Evidenta war 08.12.2022
08.12.2022 21:16 TataLuRikki Joined the faction None
08.12.2022 19:11 LIPTON Joined the faction None
08.12.2022 13:02 Example Got rank 3 Felicitari, Example!
07.12.2022 23:06 Khalid.. Was kicked out (3 warns) Evidenta war 07.12.2022
07.12.2022 21:23 DerekDEADHAZE Got rank 3 Felicitari, Derek!
07.12.2022 19:57 iSwitcH Got rank 6 Felicitari, Noul Advisor!
06.12.2022 23:24 MajesTiKftww. Joined the faction None
06.12.2022 21:13 rpg2_L3G0.RUPFASURI Failed the test None
06.12.2022 19:59 SavicaBesT Got rank 2 Felicitari, SavicaBest!
06.12.2022 19:40 iSwitcH.04 Joined the faction None