
Green Street Bloods
Date Leader Player Action Reason
08.02.2023 21:19 Kr3w Received FactionWarn Absent war 08.02.2023
08.02.2023 16:33 [TFG]Shakalu.Zew Failed the test None
07.02.2023 22:14 TrifanN Got rank 6 Felicitari, noul ajutor!
07.02.2023 22:12 TrifanN Joined the faction None
06.02.2023 21:46 rpg2_Denis.REGELE Got rank 3 Felicitari, Denis.REGELE!
06.02.2023 20:55 bgdsef1 Received FactionWarn Absent war 06.02.2023
06.02.2023 20:55 Gologanu Received FactionWarn Absent war 06.02.2023
06.02.2023 17:41 axi.schweini Joined the faction None
04.02.2023 22:50 Foshky.BELEAUA Left the faction Demisie / Resignation
04.02.2023 18:54 Kr3w Joined the faction None
03.02.2023 20:45 Olaf.AllDrugsOnMe Received FactionWarn Absent war 03.02.2023
03.02.2023 20:45 Gologanu Received FactionWarn Absent war 03.02.2023
02.02.2023 15:26 rpg2_Cri$ti[]Kox@KaBrOn Was kicked out (with FP) Banat!
01.02.2023 22:22 .RoGvAiVMagnum Joined the faction None
31.01.2023 21:19 l00k.CoFFeOLEACA Got rank 2 Felicitari!