
Green Street Bloods
Date Leader Player Action Reason
24.02.2023 21:42 DenisSpaidar Failed the test None
24.02.2023 21:20 Alecs.DeadHaze Failed the test None
24.02.2023 16:40 .RoGvAiVMagnum Left the faction Demisie / Resignation
24.02.2023 11:41 uTz. Received FactionWarn Absent war 23.02.2023
24.02.2023 11:40 l00k.CoFFeOLEACA Received FactionWarn Absent war 23.02.2023
24.02.2023 11:23 Cojjo. Failed the test None
23.02.2023 23:57 SuperpigOwn Joined the faction None
23.02.2023 20:43 Bogdan_Mob Was kicked out (with FP) Limbaj vulgar pe /f.
23.02.2023 19:54 rpg2_Biscuite.AIM Was kicked out (with FP) Banat!
22.02.2023 22:56 l00k.CoFFeOLEACA Got rank 3 Felicitari!
22.02.2023 22:54 MajesTiKftww. Got rank 3 Felicitari, MajesTiK!
21.02.2023 17:44 KenT.Junior Joined the faction None
20.02.2023 22:10 Reyhan Received FactionWarn Absent war 20.02.2023
20.02.2023 22:09 axi.schweini Was kicked out (3 warns) Absent war 20.02.2023
20.02.2023 20:28 iSwitcH.04 Left the faction Demisie / Resignation