
Green Street Bloods
Date Leader Player Action Reason
06.03.2023 18:59 MNT Joined the faction None
05.03.2023 09:33 delew0w.MASTER Was kicked out (with FP) Demisie / Resignation
04.03.2023 21:44 CaliUK Joined the faction None
04.03.2023 19:19 Fylysanu[FARAON] Joined the faction None
04.03.2023 16:10 rpg2_EA7.ONEMANARMY Got rank 2 Felicitari!
04.03.2023 14:50 rpg2_Sobranie Got rank 2 Felicitari, Sobranie!
04.03.2023 12:12 delew0w.MASTER Received FactionWarn Absent war 03.03.2023
03.03.2023 22:19 rpg2_Swain Was kicked out (with FP) Evidenta war 03.03.2023
03.03.2023 22:19 SaMsUnG.ELiTE Received FactionWarn Evidenta war 03.03.2023
03.03.2023 19:55 Reyhan Received FactionWarn Acumulare x2 AV
03.03.2023 00:04 SaMsUnG.ELiTE Joined the faction None
02.03.2023 22:52 rpg2_Swain Received FactionWarn Evidenta war 02.03.2023
02.03.2023 09:05 kheliS Was kicked out (with FP) Demisie / Resignation
01.03.2023 21:49 rpg2_Swain Received FactionWarn Evidenta wars 01/03/2023.
01.03.2023 21:49 KenT.Junior Received FactionWarn Evidenta wars 01/03/2023.