
Green Street Bloods
Date Leader Player Action Reason
20.03.2023 19:31 iulianpetrut_ Joined the faction None
20.03.2023 19:25 Fylysanu[FARAON] Got rank 2 Felicitari!
19.03.2023 23:42 MondialuL Joined the faction None
19.03.2023 22:46 KompoT.SAPOWER Joined the faction None
19.03.2023 22:12 bursucul Joined the faction None
19.03.2023 15:03 markeloN.beleza Got rank 6 Felicitari, noul ajutor!
18.03.2023 22:12 MarkovnicovHD Joined the faction None
18.03.2023 19:13 DisTricT. Received FactionWarn Reclamatie #99203
18.03.2023 12:47 l00k.CoFFeOLEACA Received a FW clear A fost cuminte.
18.03.2023 12:46 uTz. Received a FW clear A fost cuminte.
17.03.2023 11:40 CaliUK Was kicked out (with FP) Reclamatie #99190
17.03.2023 11:29 CaliUK Received FactionWarn Reclamatie #99192
17.03.2023 11:24 CaliUK Received FactionWarn Reclamatie #99207
16.03.2023 21:10 DomnulFonic Was kicked out (with FP) Reclamatie #99189
16.03.2023 21:06 DomnulFonic Received FactionWarn Absent 1/1 wars 16.03.2023