
Green Street Bloods
Date Leader Player Action Reason
07.04.2023 21:19 NaRcYs1996 Failed the test None
07.04.2023 20:13 bursucul Was kicked out (3 warns) Absent 1/1 wars 06.04.2023
07.04.2023 20:02 Wilshere Left the faction Demisie / Resignation
07.04.2023 17:33 Smile Joined the faction None
06.04.2023 21:55 Maryo.iQDiViN Joined the faction None
06.04.2023 20:51 DaMMonShot Joined the faction None
06.04.2023 15:24 bursucul Received FactionWarn Absent 1/1 wars 05.04.2023
05.04.2023 22:43 rpg2_pasaroiftww Joined the faction None
05.04.2023 18:20 uTz. Left the faction Demisie / Resignation
05.04.2023 18:13 uTz. Received FactionWarn Absent 1/1 wars 04.04.2023
05.04.2023 18:13 KompoT.SAPOWER Was kicked out (3 warns) Absent 1/1 wars 04.04.2023
04.04.2023 16:00 SHAWN Left the faction Demisie / Resignation
04.04.2023 15:59 iulianpetrut_ Left the faction Demisie / Resignation
04.04.2023 15:58 KompoT.SAPOWER Received FactionWarn Absent 1/1 wars 03.04.2023
01.04.2023 23:16 MarkovnicovHD Left the faction Demisie / Resignation