
Green Street Bloods
Date Leader Player Action Reason
24.06.2023 19:51 Costin Joined the faction None
24.06.2023 18:13 BoboDinCatun Left the faction Demisie / Resignation
24.06.2023 15:47 Scofield0x Received FactionWarn Evidenta wars 23.06.2023
24.06.2023 15:47 enrymeister Received FactionWarn Evidenta wars 23.06.2023
24.06.2023 15:45 DauDeVezi8k Was kicked out (with FP) Evidenta wars 23.06.2023
24.06.2023 14:34 1isCico Received FactionWarn Absent 2/2 wars 23.06.2023
24.06.2023 14:34 JoRo Received FactionWarn Absent 2/2 wars 23.06.2023
24.06.2023 14:34 SABALENKA Was kicked out (3 warns) Absent 2/2 wars 23.06.2023
24.06.2023 14:33 .PittS Received FactionWarn Absent 2/2 wars 23.06.2023
24.06.2023 14:23 BogdanN Got rank 2 Felicitari, Bogdan!
24.06.2023 01:09 BoboDinCatun Got rank 2 Felicitari!
24.06.2023 00:28 TrifanN Received a FW clear Expirat.
23.06.2023 21:24 .PittS Received FactionWarn Reclamatie #100256
23.06.2023 21:14 adrian69xo. Got rank 2 Felicitari!
23.06.2023 19:40 TheBigM Received a FW clear A fost cuminte.