
Date Leader Player Action Reason
24.02.2023 22:39 rpg2_ORION. Received FactionWarn Absent activitate
24.02.2023 20:43 Salman Got rank 4 Congrats!
24.02.2023 13:14 Deagle Left the faction Demisie / Resignation
23.02.2023 19:44 AlbertoTND47 Left the faction Demisie / Resignation
23.02.2023 19:41 AlbertoTND47 Received FactionWarn Reclamatie PM
22.02.2023 13:14 SEMPAI Received a FW clear Sanctiune expirata
22.02.2023 13:14 AndyLord Got rank 2 Felicitari!
21.02.2023 23:30 Dan.eXe Left the faction Demisie / Resignation
21.02.2023 23:26 Dan.eXe Received FactionWarn Raport namecover lipsa
21.02.2023 16:00 AndyLord Received a FW clear Sanctiune expirata
21.02.2023 12:50 ConaN Received FactionWarn Raport namecover gresit
21.02.2023 12:49 DisTricT.SPAGA Received FactionWarn Raport namecover gresit
20.02.2023 21:50 AndreiBalanescu Left the faction Demisie / Resignation
20.02.2023 20:41 KinoTo Joined the faction None
20.02.2023 10:16 Dan.eXe Received FactionWarn Raport namecover lipsa