
Date Leader Player Action Reason
11.03.2023 21:20 rpg2_[Mr]Cata_B Got rank 3 Felicitari
10.03.2023 22:30 LaurentiuMRS Failed the test None
10.03.2023 21:36 Draven Failed the test None
10.03.2023 21:33 GradZEW Was kicked out (with FP) Demisie / Resignation
09.03.2023 15:36 [AIM]blood.diamond Received a FW clear Sanctiune expirata
07.03.2023 23:02 GradZEW Joined the faction None
07.03.2023 20:52 KinoTo Got rank 2 Felicitari!
07.03.2023 14:15 TheWeeknd Received FactionWarn Nepostare raport namecover
07.03.2023 00:02 Xoomer Was kicked out (with FP) Banat pentru aimbot
06.03.2023 20:02 Sf.Andrei Joined the faction None
06.03.2023 16:57 Ezeq Got rank 2 Felicitari!
06.03.2023 16:56 Xoomer Got rank 2 Felicitari!
06.03.2023 16:34 Maximilian Got rank 4 Felicitari
06.03.2023 11:19 DenisEros Joined the faction None
05.03.2023 23:11 rpg2_EVO. Joined the faction None