
Date Leader Player Action Reason
19.03.2023 22:25 Striparu.Magicianu Failed the test None
19.03.2023 11:31 Sabau Got rank 2 Felicitari!
18.03.2023 20:35 rpg2_ORION. Received a FW clear Sanctiune expirata
18.03.2023 14:57 .TreborROYAL Joined the faction None
17.03.2023 19:10 [AIM]Alex Joined the faction None
17.03.2023 18:18 Moscow.PALESTINE Failed the test None
17.03.2023 13:54 rpg2_Bucsa Joined the faction None
17.03.2023 00:37 Hanzo. Got rank 4 Felicitari!
17.03.2023 00:35 Andru.piTThoNu Got rank 2 Felicitari!
17.03.2023 00:34 ConaN Left the faction Demisie / Resignation
16.03.2023 23:22 XannyS Joined the faction None
16.03.2023 22:55 AndyLord Got rank 3 Felicitari!
16.03.2023 17:04 AlecuTANKSOVIETiK Got rank 2 Felicitari
15.03.2023 22:05 rpg2_ZECKER. Got rank 2 Felicitari
15.03.2023 19:36 Chack Left the faction Demisie / Resignation