
Date Leader Player Action Reason
01.04.2023 11:57 Mircea Received FactionWarn Neindeplinire ore lunare
01.04.2023 11:56 MinaTo.KUN Received FactionWarn Neindeplinire ore lunare
01.04.2023 11:56 InfernalGuess Received FactionWarn Neindeplinire ore lunare
31.03.2023 21:53 Ezeq Left the faction Demisie / Resignation
31.03.2023 16:25 Deliric Joined the faction None
31.03.2023 16:22 rpg2_Bucsa Got rank 2 Felicitari
31.03.2023 16:22 XannyS Got rank 2 Felicitari
30.03.2023 23:19 George_BesT Joined the faction None
30.03.2023 22:02 [420]RobertSND Joined the faction None
30.03.2023 20:55 [AIM]Adiii. Got rank 4 Felicitari!
30.03.2023 20:50 South. Joined the faction None
30.03.2023 14:13 KinoTo Got rank 3 Felicitari!
30.03.2023 14:13 [AIM]blood.diamond Got rank 4 Felicitari!
29.03.2023 23:03 [AIM]Ciprian.Cipri Was kicked out (3 warns) Fraudare raport
29.03.2023 23:03 [AIM]Ciprian.Cipri Received FactionWarn Fraudare raport