
Date Leader Player Action Reason
06.04.2023 22:22 Ciprian.Cipri. Joined the faction None
06.04.2023 19:32 Calin. Joined the faction None
06.04.2023 18:23 AlecuTANKSOVIETiK Got rank 3 Felicitari
06.04.2023 17:42 Shah Joined the faction None
06.04.2023 13:52 [AIM]Shadoz Got rank 3 Felicitari!
04.04.2023 23:48 Edw Joined the faction None
04.04.2023 13:41 TheWeeknd Received a FW clear Sanctiune expirata
04.04.2023 13:40 6Rogue Received a FW clear Sanctiune expirata
03.04.2023 22:31 qprazvanrfx Joined the faction None
03.04.2023 20:01 Hayden Joined the faction None
03.04.2023 19:29 rpg2_.Kizy Joined the faction None
03.04.2023 12:41 cRreative Got rank 3 Felicitari!
03.04.2023 12:40 [AIM]Alex Got rank 2 Felicitari!
03.04.2023 11:07 6Rogue Received FactionWarn Raport namecover gresit
03.04.2023 00:08 RiCHIE. Joined the faction None