
Date Leader Player Action Reason
30.12.2009 19:34 N/A ShuRuBeL Joined the faction None
30.12.2009 19:34 N/A ShuRuBeL Left the faction None
28.12.2009 04:26 N/A no_name Left the faction None
27.12.2009 23:42 N/A tymy Joined the faction None
26.12.2009 22:13 N/A Winter.TSA Joined the faction None
26.12.2009 21:51 N/A HooL Joined the faction None
26.12.2009 19:33 N/A dory Left the faction None
26.12.2009 04:16 N/A Kaiac Got rank 6 None
26.12.2009 04:16 N/A Kaiac Left the faction None
26.12.2009 03:10 N/A Moartea Joined the faction None
26.12.2009 03:10 N/A Moartea Left the faction None
26.12.2009 02:52 N/A Legic Joined the faction None
26.12.2009 01:20 N/A HooL Left the faction None
25.12.2009 22:34 N/A Spawn Got rank 6 None
25.12.2009 22:33 N/A Spawn Got rank 5 None