
El Loco Cartel
Date Leader Player Action Reason
20.04.2013 14:39 N/A rpg2_ShuRiKen Joined the faction None
20.04.2013 14:32 N/A rpg2_Toni26 Joined the faction None
20.04.2013 00:50 N/A Pitiku Got rank 2 None
19.04.2013 23:39 N/A Don.Juan Joined the faction None
19.04.2013 23:26 N/A R0cky Joined the faction None
19.04.2013 23:21 N/A [AIM]TerroR Joined the faction None
19.04.2013 23:21 N/A TezeuZ Joined the faction None
19.04.2013 23:17 N/A [AIM]Yaphets Joined the faction None
19.04.2013 23:17 N/A Anndionis Joined the faction None
19.04.2013 23:17 N/A Cataa. Joined the faction None
19.04.2013 20:22 N/A DianaG99 Was kicked out (with FP) None
19.04.2013 20:16 N/A Cr1spy Was kicked out (with FP) None
19.04.2013 19:50 N/A StrikeR Received FactionWarn None
19.04.2013 19:34 N/A beKer Received FactionWarn None
19.04.2013 19:33 N/A Edward.Stefann Received FactionWarn None