
Avispa Rifa
Date Leader Player Action Reason
13.02.2023 19:46 SKULLEMPENG Joined the faction None
13.02.2023 15:48 Jeleu Received FactionWarn Reclamatie Website!
11.02.2023 02:05 celputinisus Was kicked out (with FP) Banat
11.02.2023 01:31 AmR.TeIauPierdut Received FactionWarn Limbaj vulgar pe /f
10.02.2023 23:37 Smash. Was kicked out (3 warns) Folosire cod!
10.02.2023 23:37 Smash. Received FactionWarn Favorizare codati!
10.02.2023 23:37 Smash. Received FactionWarn Multiple greseli!
10.02.2023 22:24 AmR.TeIauPierdut Received FactionWarn Ajutare adversar la secunde
10.02.2023 20:58 FloriN. Received FactionWarn Adaugare martori aiurea
10.02.2023 19:27 celputinisus Received FactionWarn DM aiurea
10.02.2023 18:35 ZEDLiNE.Magnum Was kicked out (3 warns) Reclamatie WebSite!
10.02.2023 18:20 NISTE Joined the faction None
10.02.2023 17:58 FloriN. Got rank 3 Activitate si seriozitate!
10.02.2023 15:59 rpg2_Denis_Otniel Received FactionWarn Reclamatie website.
09.02.2023 22:43 Flor1nJURASSIC Got rank 4 Felicitari, Flor1nJURASSIC!