
Avispa Rifa
Date Leader Player Action Reason
18.03.2023 22:13 rpg2_Xesthetic Joined the faction None
18.03.2023 22:01 drakoN Joined the faction None
18.03.2023 14:49 RDTPOWERRGV Was kicked out (with FP) VPN la war
18.03.2023 01:33 21Dahness Got rank 6 Felicitari, noul sublider!
17.03.2023 22:37 XORMON Received a FW clear Are timpul minim.
17.03.2023 19:42 D4NiEL Got rank 2 Felicitari!
17.03.2023 18:27 NISTE Got rank 3 Felicitari!
17.03.2023 18:17 .DivergenTE Joined the faction None
17.03.2023 15:03 1mihai12 Failed the test None
17.03.2023 10:38 RDTPOWERRGV Received FactionWarn Acumulare x2 AV
17.03.2023 01:10 DANIEL.SAUL1337 Joined the faction None
17.03.2023 01:02 MarkovnicovHD Failed the test None
16.03.2023 22:25 sebarealu Was kicked out (with FP) Demisie / Resignation
16.03.2023 19:56 AlbertZEW. Got rank 5 Felicitari!
16.03.2023 18:13 .Paul Joined the faction None