
Avispa Rifa
Date Leader Player Action Reason
27.11.2023 19:14 ELPADRINO.RNZ Joined the faction None
27.11.2023 19:08 ramonn Got rank 3 Felicitari!
27.11.2023 00:05 robert.baroc Got rank 2 Felicitari!
26.11.2023 19:12 TedMosby Got rank 6 Felicitari, noul sublider!
26.11.2023 19:08 Wopes Got rank 5 Renuntare, multumesc de ajutor
23.11.2023 22:09 Hosico. Received FactionWarn Evidenta Wars 23.11.2023
23.11.2023 19:59 gRytoSIUUU Got rank 4 Felicitari!
23.11.2023 18:02 MoNs7eRTheGOD Was kicked out (with FP) Banat (Aimbot)
22.11.2023 23:23 Penguin. Was kicked out (with FP) VPN la wars
22.11.2023 20:57 DeiuHr. Received FactionWarn Evidenta Wars 22.11.2023
22.11.2023 00:28 Hosico. Received FactionWarn Evidenta Wars 21.11.2023
20.11.2023 22:24 DR$ Got rank 2 Felicitari!
20.11.2023 19:59 SEAT1.9TDI Joined the faction None
20.11.2023 03:47 SMOKE_. Joined the faction None
19.11.2023 22:59 KARATISTU.M6 Joined the faction None