
Avispa Rifa
Date Leader Player Action Reason
04.05.2013 18:47 N/A .Tamas Joined the faction None
04.05.2013 17:33 N/A rpg2_[TLG]Frozen Got rank 2 None
04.05.2013 11:47 N/A BEBEXD Was kicked out (with FP) None
04.05.2013 11:46 N/A BEBEXD Received FactionWarn None
04.05.2013 11:30 N/A rpg2_ionut.. Was kicked out (with FP) None
03.05.2013 21:17 N/A rpg2_[TLG]Frozen Received FactionWarn None
02.05.2013 23:02 N/A Andy.alcool Joined the faction None
02.05.2013 18:36 N/A got2LoveU Joined the faction None
02.05.2013 18:28 N/A rpg2_[uL]BurN Joined the faction None
02.05.2013 15:24 N/A bybu Joined the faction None
02.05.2013 14:02 N/A Ezio Joined the faction None
30.04.2013 21:41 N/A rpg2_ionut.. Joined the faction None
30.04.2013 14:39 N/A AdrenalinE6 Was kicked out (with FP) None
30.04.2013 14:37 N/A AndreiTi Received FactionWarn None
30.04.2013 14:25 N/A Stephano.Collins Left the faction None