
69 Pier Mobs
Date Leader Player Action Reason
18.04.2023 17:27 .WARSTEiN47 Was kicked out (with FP) Banat (Cheats)
17.04.2023 12:57 Andrew.FENOMEN Was kicked out (3 warns) Banat (Cheats)
17.04.2023 12:57 Andrew.FENOMEN Received FactionWarn Banat (Cheats)
17.04.2023 12:56 Andrew.FENOMEN Received FactionWarn Banat (Cheats)
17.04.2023 12:53 NicuTRUCKDRIVER Left the faction Demisie / Resignation
16.04.2023 21:20 RealMadrid Got rank 6 Felicitari, noul sublider!
16.04.2023 19:20 SuperpigOwn Joined the faction None
16.04.2023 19:17 cRz Left the faction Demisie / Resignation
16.04.2023 17:59 iSwitcH.rTv Got rank 6 Felicitari, meriti!
16.04.2023 17:59 iSwitcH.rTv Joined the faction None
15.04.2023 21:28 Edrith Joined the faction None
15.04.2023 00:05 ETSIN Joined the faction None
14.04.2023 19:37 R3chinu Joined the faction None
13.04.2023 16:14 Adri4nLEGEND Received FactionWarn Nepostare test
13.04.2023 16:09 rpg2_.Kyro Received FactionWarn Evidenta wars 11.04.2023