
69 Pier Mobs
Date Leader Player Action Reason
15.08.2023 23:48 Aian Received FactionWarn Absent wars 15.08.2023
15.08.2023 23:48 SmileyOwn Received FactionWarn Absent wars 15.08.2023
15.08.2023 10:05 MichaelJacksonEA7 Received FactionWarn Absent wars 14.08.2023
14.08.2023 19:55 .James. Joined the faction None
14.08.2023 18:49 FalkeN Left the faction Demisie / Resignation
14.08.2023 18:01 Sisea Was kicked out (3 warns) Limbaj Vulgar - Reclamatie PM
14.08.2023 18:01 Sisea Received FactionWarn Limbaj Vulgar - Reclamatie PM
14.08.2023 18:01 Sisea Received FactionWarn Limbaj Vulgar - Reclamatie PM
14.08.2023 14:06 Smash. Joined the faction None
14.08.2023 12:16 RobyURANGUTANU Joined the faction None
14.08.2023 11:53 Nicusor Joined the faction None
14.08.2023 10:59 FaNe Was kicked out (3 warns) Incalcare Regulament
14.08.2023 04:16 Sisea Joined the faction None
14.08.2023 03:39 FalkeN Got rank 2 Felicitari!
13.08.2023 23:36 MichaelJacksonEA7 Joined the faction None