
69 Pier Mobs
Date Leader Player Action Reason
23.08.2023 18:37 .Londonezu Was kicked out (with FP) Banat pentru coduri (Aimbot)
23.08.2023 14:52 DonRider. Got rank 2 Felicitiari, merita!
23.08.2023 14:44 DarkAngel69 Received FactionWarn Reclamatie web
23.08.2023 14:26 Sefu. Failed the test None
23.08.2023 12:45 DogoDogo Joined the faction None
23.08.2023 12:45 .balmo Joined the faction None
23.08.2023 12:45 RianX Joined the faction None
23.08.2023 12:45 VasileGramada Joined the faction None
23.08.2023 12:41 MichaelJacksonEA7 Was kicked out (with FP) Reclamatie web
23.08.2023 12:13 MichaelJacksonEA7 Received FactionWarn Reclamatie web
22.08.2023 20:03 rpg2_SuceveanuL. Failed the test None
22.08.2023 19:53 rpg2_BahoiThePOOH Failed the test None
22.08.2023 16:29 SmileyOwn Received a FW clear Sanctiune expirata
22.08.2023 12:13 rpg2_FlappyDaddy Was kicked out (with FP) Interdictie
21.08.2023 17:01 MichaelJacksonEA7 Received a FW clear Lipsa dovezi