
69 Pier Mobs
Date Leader Player Action Reason
02.05.2013 13:42 N/A DanDiamant Joined the faction None
01.05.2013 14:37 N/A Dr.Para Was kicked out (with FP) None
30.04.2013 22:44 N/A rpg2_Weedyyy Joined the faction None
30.04.2013 21:20 N/A Fyodor Joined the faction None
30.04.2013 20:10 N/A Cronen Joined the faction None
30.04.2013 20:06 N/A TresTiiiPeFelie Got rank 2 None
30.04.2013 19:59 N/A StrutterSen Left the faction None
30.04.2013 19:44 N/A rpg2_Generallu Joined the faction None
30.04.2013 12:21 N/A BLAkE.PROTEIN Left the faction None
30.04.2013 12:18 N/A BLAkE.PROTEIN Received FactionWarn None
30.04.2013 08:54 N/A Junkieee Received FactionWarn None
30.04.2013 08:52 N/A buburuzu19 Received FactionWarn None
30.04.2013 08:51 N/A [GF]DELICT Received FactionWarn None
30.04.2013 08:51 N/A StrutterSen Received FactionWarn None
30.04.2013 08:50 N/A CheChe Received FactionWarn None