
69 Pier Mobs
Date Leader Player Action Reason
04.05.2013 14:02 N/A rpg2_Carlos_Smit Got rank 2 None
04.05.2013 14:02 N/A rpg2_BuRn Got rank 2 None
04.05.2013 13:39 N/A BeenZi Joined the faction None
04.05.2013 11:08 N/A Junkieee Was kicked out (with FP) None
04.05.2013 10:58 N/A CheChe Received FactionWarn None
04.05.2013 10:58 N/A Ionut200089 Received FactionWarn None
04.05.2013 10:57 N/A Junkieee Received FactionWarn None
04.05.2013 10:57 N/A xox91 Received FactionWarn None
03.05.2013 18:20 N/A BoDoSeLLL. Left the faction None
03.05.2013 10:09 N/A Belilai Left the faction None
03.05.2013 01:21 N/A rpg2_Giuliano Was kicked out (with FP) None
02.05.2013 22:36 N/A rpg2_Weedyyy Received FactionWarn None
02.05.2013 19:54 N/A DJMihai Joined the faction None
02.05.2013 19:39 N/A Jhonson Joined the faction None
02.05.2013 13:44 N/A Gawitkkk Joined the faction None