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Date | Owner | Player | Action |
17.09.2022 11:38 | JuSsTyn | NicuTRUCKDRIVER | Joined the clan |
16.09.2022 21:46 | JuSsTyn | ElectroBoy | Got rank 3 |
16.09.2022 21:46 | JuSsTyn | EvoqueSenzatye | Got rank 3 |
16.09.2022 21:45 | JuSsTyn | GarfIeLD | Got rank 4 |
16.09.2022 21:45 | JuSsTyn | DussT.dll | Got rank 4 |
16.09.2022 21:44 | JuSsTyn | EvoqueSenzatye | Got rank 2 |
16.09.2022 21:44 | JuSsTyn | ElectroBoy | Got rank 2 |
16.09.2022 19:18 | [test]Madalin | [AIM]Claude | Got rank 5 |
16.09.2022 19:15 | [test]Madalin | [AIM]Claude | Got rank 1 |
15.09.2022 19:48 | Hamed. | Sarpee | Joined the clan |
15.09.2022 14:12 | enzorelu | MatthewAxelson | Received a CW clear |
15.09.2022 14:06 | enzorelu | MatthewAxelson | Received ClanWarn |
14.09.2022 21:01 | Hamed. | Fox. | Got rank 6 |
14.09.2022 21:01 | Hamed. | Fox. | Joined the clan |
14.09.2022 21:00 | Fox. | Fox. | Left the clan |