Date Owner Player Action
20.10.2023 19:25 Hamed. Ciprian.S Left the clan
18.10.2023 23:09 Hamed. [AIM].Lucian Joined the clan
18.10.2023 23:09 Hamed. Ezk Left the clan
16.10.2023 22:15 AdmBot [AIM]ViToROYAL Joined the clan
16.10.2023 22:14 Hamed. ViTo Left the clan
14.10.2023 23:16 AdmBot [AIM]FunK. Joined the clan
14.10.2023 23:14 Hamed. Gabriel Left the clan
14.10.2023 00:57 Hamed. [AIM]_Sergio. Got rank 5
14.10.2023 00:57 Hamed. [AIM]Vampire Got rank 5
14.10.2023 00:57 Hamed. raul1275 Got rank 5
14.10.2023 00:56 Hamed. [AIM]Brane Got rank 2
14.10.2023 00:56 Hamed. Radvany Got rank 2
14.10.2023 00:55 Hamed. [AIM]Clau[D]iu Got rank 5
14.10.2023 00:55 Hamed. [AIM]FacTOT Got rank 5
14.10.2023 00:55 Hamed. [AIM]NeymarJr Got rank 5