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Date | Owner | Player | Action |
03.11.2022 14:22 | Hamed. | MOGHiSTAPPEN | Joined the clan |
03.11.2022 14:21 | Hamed. | .HoruS | Left the clan |
03.11.2022 01:12 | Pikovit | [AIM]slvking | Received a CW clear |
03.11.2022 01:12 | Pikovit | [AIM]slvking | Received ClanWarn |
02.11.2022 21:37 | Jackus | Danyel_Svd | Joined the clan |
02.11.2022 21:37 | Jackus | robica | Left the clan |
02.11.2022 14:28 | Pikovit | deivid1 | Joined the clan |
01.11.2022 22:38 | Hamed. | G.UniT | Left the clan |
01.11.2022 15:13 | [AIM]Shadoz | [AIM]Mezen | Got rank 3 |
01.11.2022 14:41 | Pikovit | Sf.Andrei | Got rank 3 |
31.10.2022 20:45 | Jackus | robica | Got rank 6 |
31.10.2022 20:36 | Jackus | robica | Joined the clan |
31.10.2022 20:36 | Jackus | deivid1 | Left the clan |
31.10.2022 15:13 | Hamed. | Adem | Joined the clan |
31.10.2022 15:13 | Hamed. | moghinovic | Left the clan |