Date Owner Player Action
04.04.2023 13:23 JuSsTyn Taaz. Got rank 3
04.04.2023 12:20 Pikovit Taaz. Got rank 4
04.04.2023 11:59 Pikovit Avocat.DHL Left the clan
31.03.2023 23:41 Jackus SpeedySS Joined the clan
31.03.2023 23:26 AdmBot [AIM]kazuto Left the clan
30.03.2023 18:21 [AIM]Scooby69 inesLUKAKU Got rank 5
30.03.2023 18:01 [AIM]Scooby69 inesLUKAKU Joined the clan
30.03.2023 01:27 JuSsTyn NimaR Got rank 3
29.03.2023 23:21 JuSsTyn Cazan Left the clan
29.03.2023 22:52 Jackus JuSsTyn Got rank 6
29.03.2023 22:43 [AIM]Scooby69 JuSsTyn Got rank 2
29.03.2023 22:42 [AIM]Scooby69 JuSsTyn Joined the clan
29.03.2023 22:42 [AIM]Scooby69 [I]oNuT Left the clan
29.03.2023 17:06 [AIM]Scooby69 [AIM]DaNnNy. Joined the clan
27.03.2023 21:55 Hamed. Avocat.DHL Joined the clan