Date Owner Player Action
01.11.2014 18:30 AdmBot Jager Joined the clan
01.11.2014 18:27 AdmBot MarioDulceTeSeduce Joined the clan
31.10.2014 22:22 AdmBot __Catalin__ Left the clan
31.10.2014 21:49 AdmBot Krypto Left the clan
31.10.2014 14:34 AdmBot JzY. Got rank 5
31.10.2014 14:34 AdmBot JzY. Got rank 4
31.10.2014 14:34 AdmBot JzY. Got rank 3
31.10.2014 14:33 AdmBot JzY. Got rank 2
31.10.2014 14:33 AdmBot JzY. Joined the clan
31.10.2014 14:27 AdmBot __Catalin__ Joined the clan
31.10.2014 14:22 AdmBot Power01 Joined the clan
30.10.2014 19:28 AdmBot Tresh Left the clan
29.10.2014 21:37 AdmBot Mihai Joined the clan
29.10.2014 21:07 AdmBot Andi.R Left the clan
29.10.2014 21:06 AdmBot Andi.R Received ClanWarn