Date Owner Player Action
11.11.2014 21:54 AdmBot CrUzZ Joined the clan
11.11.2014 21:02 AdmBot Esquire Left the clan
10.11.2014 23:23 AdmBot celputinisus Left the clan
10.11.2014 23:18 AdmBot Esquire Joined the clan
10.11.2014 23:18 AdmBot celputinisus Joined the clan
10.11.2014 02:22 AdmBot BlakWorld Joined the clan
10.11.2014 02:22 AdmBot danut126 Joined the clan
09.11.2014 17:15 AdmBot Saint.KiNNd3R Left the clan
09.11.2014 14:47 AdmBot Zeoz Left the clan
07.11.2014 23:49 AdmBot Decu999 Joined the clan
07.11.2014 21:03 AdmBot Grecuu17 Left the clan
04.11.2014 17:05 AdmBot dorulet.dorulet Joined the clan
04.11.2014 16:37 AdmBot PixeL. Left the clan
04.11.2014 16:37 AdmBot Power01 Left the clan
04.11.2014 16:33 AdmBot Saint.KiNNd3R Joined the clan