Date Owner Player Action
17.11.2014 00:15 AdmBot MarioDulceTeSeduce Received ClanWarn
17.11.2014 00:13 AdmBot @alyn02 Left the clan
16.11.2014 19:15 AdmBot Zeoz Got rank 6
16.11.2014 11:35 AdmBot DmNDz Joined the clan
16.11.2014 01:25 AdmBot dorulet.dorulet Left the clan
16.11.2014 01:20 AdmBot BlakWorld Left the clan
15.11.2014 19:59 AdmBot terr0r Left the clan
15.11.2014 19:14 AdmBot Jager Got rank 2
15.11.2014 19:08 AdmBot MarioDulceTeSeduce Got rank 2
15.11.2014 15:53 AdmBot Vladutz. Joined the clan
15.11.2014 12:42 AdmBot reM0US Joined the clan
13.11.2014 16:35 AdmBot Zeoz Joined the clan
13.11.2014 16:07 AdmBot Saint.KiNNd3R Left the clan
12.11.2014 21:29 AdmBot Mihai Left the clan
12.11.2014 20:14 AdmBot terr0r Got rank 6