Date Owner Player Action
22.11.2014 20:53 AdmBot Andr3yy25 Left the clan
22.11.2014 11:12 AdmBot Decu999 Got rank 2
22.11.2014 11:11 AdmBot Decu999 Received a CW clear
22.11.2014 11:05 AdmBot draghi Left the clan
20.11.2014 16:42 AdmBot Madutzu99 Left the clan
18.11.2014 00:31 AdmBot draghi Received a CW clear
18.11.2014 00:11 AdmBot draghi Received ClanWarn
17.11.2014 21:25 AdmBot TibiStanciu Joined the clan
17.11.2014 19:37 AdmBot Andr3yy25 Joined the clan
17.11.2014 00:45 AdmBot sapte Joined the clan
17.11.2014 00:18 AdmBot Decu999 Received ClanWarn
17.11.2014 00:17 AdmBot draghi Received ClanWarn
17.11.2014 00:17 AdmBot 12gabyyy12 Received ClanWarn
17.11.2014 00:16 AdmBot danut126 Received ClanWarn
17.11.2014 00:16 AdmBot Madutzu99 Received ClanWarn