Date Owner Player Action
16.08.2021 13:48 AdmBot Vasea Left the clan
15.08.2021 18:22 AdmBot Hosico Left the clan
14.08.2021 23:52 rpg2_GabrielBOOMER rpg2_GabrielBOOMER Left the clan
14.08.2021 20:30 Cosmi_BY Cosmi_BY Left the clan
14.08.2021 20:10 rpg2_ValiFARAON rpg2_ValiFARAON Left the clan
14.08.2021 19:43 Cosmi_BY GeneraleCryptor Joined the clan
14.08.2021 19:35 Cosmi_BY rpg2_Adexe.MiamiBeach Left the clan
14.08.2021 19:30 Cosmi_BY delew0wbigboss Left the clan
14.08.2021 19:29 Cosmi_BY rpg2_ValiFARAON Joined the clan
14.08.2021 17:29 Cosmi_BY rpg2_FlasH. Got rank 4
14.08.2021 17:29 Cosmi_BY rpg2_FlasH. Joined the clan
14.08.2021 03:18 rpg2_102.KiaStyIe rpg2_102.KiaStyIe Left the clan
13.08.2021 00:50 rpg2_Daniel2Glory rpg2_Daniel2Glory Left the clan
13.08.2021 00:23 rpg2_RUSTOMM rpg2_RUSTOMM Left the clan
12.08.2021 15:01 Cosmi_BY rpg2_GabrielBOOMER Joined the clan