Date Owner Player Action
01.09.2021 18:03 ThameS.NEVERGIVEUP SHIFT Joined the clan
01.09.2021 11:00 Nic ThameS.NEVERGIVEUP Promoted to clan owner
01.09.2021 10:59 WoozieK WoozieK Left the clan
01.09.2021 10:59 WoozieK Nic Promoted to clan owner
01.09.2021 10:58 ThameS.NEVERGIVEUP WoozieK Promoted to clan owner
01.09.2021 10:58 ThameS.NEVERGIVEUP WoozieK Joined the clan
01.09.2021 10:56 VladZEW_ VladZEW_ Left the clan
01.09.2021 10:56 VladZEW_ ThameS.NEVERGIVEUP Promoted to clan owner
01.09.2021 10:55 ThameS.NEVERGIVEUP VladZEW_ Promoted to clan owner
01.09.2021 10:54 ThameS.NEVERGIVEUP VladZEW_ Joined the clan
01.09.2021 10:53 EliT EliT Left the clan
01.09.2021 10:53 EliT ThameS.NEVERGIVEUP Promoted to clan owner
01.09.2021 10:51 Nic EliT Promoted to clan owner
01.09.2021 10:49 Nic EliT Joined the clan
01.09.2021 10:48 ThameS.NEVERGIVEUP rpg2_ShowX. Left the clan