Date Owner Player Action
08.09.2022 20:45 Th0mas rpg2_BoNo.asi Got rank 1
08.09.2022 20:44 Th0mas rpg2_moise_dmt Left the clan
08.09.2022 20:22 rpg2_ALLy23 rpg2_ALLy23 Left the clan
08.09.2022 17:22 Huzaifa. Huzaifa. Left the clan
08.09.2022 17:21 Th0mas Huzaifa. Joined the clan
08.09.2022 17:02 GLK.Radvany Th0mas Promoted to clan owner
08.09.2022 17:00 Th0mas GLK.Radvany Promoted to clan owner
06.09.2022 19:37 Radvany Radvany Left the clan
06.09.2022 19:36 Radvany Th0mas Promoted to clan owner
06.09.2022 19:32 GLK.Radvany Radvany Promoted to clan owner
06.09.2022 19:32 Th0mas Radvany Joined the clan
06.09.2022 19:22 rpg2_BoNo.asi rpg2_Glodeanu_Marius Left the clan
04.09.2022 19:14 Th0mas rpg2_raduextreme Got rank 2
04.09.2022 18:57 Th0mas Kennyo Got rank 3
04.09.2022 15:32 Th0mas GLK.Radvany Promoted to clan owner