Date Owner Player Action
02.02.2021 14:03 HaSaKy rpg2_ghiNda.POWEROFGOD Got rank 6
02.02.2021 14:00 AkenX rpg2_ghiNda.POWEROFGOD Joined the clan
02.02.2021 01:29 Remus HaSaKy Promoted to clan owner
02.02.2021 01:29 HaSaKy Remus Promoted to clan owner
02.02.2021 00:50 HaSaKy rpg2_.CoruT Joined the clan
02.02.2021 00:28 HaSaKy rpg2_ghiNda.POWEROFGOD Left the clan
02.02.2021 00:28 HaSaKy rpg2_Hames Left the clan
02.02.2021 00:18 .BlackList .BlackList Left the clan
01.02.2021 23:40 HaSaKy AkenX Got rank 6
01.02.2021 23:40 HaSaKy AkenX Joined the clan
01.02.2021 23:05 rpg2_AntonioSMPv3 rpg2_AntonioSMPv3 Left the clan
01.02.2021 23:03 rpg2_IonutBrs rpg2_vidiinho Joined the clan
01.02.2021 23:01 rpg2_IonutBrs CorChi.REUSIT Joined the clan
01.02.2021 22:31 Remus rpg2_Cristian.69 Joined the clan
01.02.2021 21:32 SiuuFiuLuDarK4MooN SiuuFiuLuDarK4MooN Left the clan